Second Half Expo will be aggressively promoted to tens of thousands of people in the Greater Oklahoma City area and beyond.
- An official Event Guide will be printed and distributed to attendees AND to over 55,000 people through The Oklahoman newspaper the Sunday prior to the event.
- Over $130,000 of advertising through The Oklahoman, including print ads, social marketing, digital billboard and 200,000 run of Network Banner ads on Oklahoman.com Digital & Mobile.
- Event fliers distributed to multiple events and local network gatherings.
- PR Releases to all major media including print, radio and television.
- Advertising in the online campaign on our media partner websites, including Oklahoman.com OkSeniorJournal.com, VillagesOKC.com, SeniorGuidePost.com, and SecondHalfExpo.com.
- Promotion through the Oklahoma Senior Journal network, including weekly e-Newsletter, app, website, Facebook and Instagram. Event fliers inserted into OSJ magazine 3-months prior.
- PR Releases to all major media including print, radio and television.
- Massive social marketing campaign through TruLata Solutions, a national event marketing company.
- Social media and live feed with local talent on site at the expo.
- Local television promotion and live interviews on local television and radio promoting the event.
- As media sponsor, KFOR Oklahoma’s News 4 will aggressively promote the event through television commercials and digitally in all their social media.
- Radio interviews with our major sponsors on KZLS-The Eagle 1640 AM News Talk Radio (the official station in OKC market for the Dave Ramsey show).
- Radio promotion on KTOK News Radio 1000 – Becky Ivins: Oklahoma Real Estate On The Move
- PR Releases to all major media including print, radio and television.
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